September 2019

Welcome to Room 106. This year embarks a new change as I will be teaching third grade for the first time in my teaching career. Change is good and I embrace this change.
Important Dates
Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2019: Patriot’s Day
Thursday, Sept. 12, 2019: Family Picnic
Friday, Sept. 13, 2019: Picture Day
Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2019: Curriculum Night, 6:00- 8:15
6:05 – 6:35 PM: 3rd,
4th, & 5th Grade classroom presentations
6:45- 7:25 PM: PTO
7:35- 8:05 PM: Y5’s, Kinder,
1st, & 2nd Grade Classroom presentations
Friday, Sept. 20, 2019: Dicken Dash Pep Rally
Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2019: Celebrating Constitution
Wednesday, September 25, 2019: Early Release,
Dismissal @1:29PM
Hello! I am delighted to be your child’s third-grade
teacher. This year your child will learn
and develop supported by a partnership between school and home. I will be
teaching all core subjects to your
I look forward to meeting you and outlining the
learning goals for the upcoming year during our annual Curriculum Night. Please bring any questions, or concerns you
may have. Also, you will be selecting a
parent-teacher conference date. It will be helpful to bring your personal/and
family calendar.
Primarily, I use email as the primary method of
communication. I can be reached via work email,<>. You may carbon copy to
my personal email for a quicker response, I can be reached via phone @ 994.1928 x18503 during normal business hours.
Newsletters are primarily monthly and electronic.
This year, your child will have approximately 2-5
nights of homework every week. Usually,
math is the primary subject completed as homework. Homework is to be returned the following
school day. In addition to math
homework, students are expected to read a minimum of 30-minutes, 5 nights a
week, documented on a reading log. If
your child cannot complete the assigned homework due to an extenuating
incident, please write a brief note on the assignment or attach the note to the
Students are allowed to eat snacks in the classroom
within any 20-minute period while completing his or her assignments. After 20 minutes have passed, students are
asked place it into a lunch-container or backpack. Students are allowed to chew gum in
moderation as long as it is not heard or seen. Remember, Dicken is a fresh
fruit and vegetable classroom permissible-
snack school.
Students are permitted to celebrate birthdays
with a singing of Happy Birthday and a treat or an inedible item: pencils,
erasers, or other small trinkets.
Students must give a treat to everyone,
and are responsible for any necessary eating utensils. The current class count is 23. Please
try to inform me prior to bringing the birthday treat/gift into the classroom. The
only permitted edible items are pre-packaged food items with a label. Accept
my apology for not being able to bring in cupcakes or cake items.
Within Room 106, I use a fair and firm policy
centered with respect and trust.
Students have clear expectations and guidelines. When a child is not meeting or has not
followed a behavioral expectation, a Rest
and Return is used first. Then, if necessary, another consequence is
determined. Our school uses Responsive
Classroom, an evidence-based approach to elementary and middle school
teaching that focuses on the strong link between academic success and
social-emotional learning (SEL).
Specials Schedule
Lunch Recess is AM, Lunch 12:18- 1:06 PM, eat first, then recess
Mondays ILT 10:30 – 11:30 AM
Tuesdays Vocal Music 1:50-
2:20 PM
Wednesdays Art 9:30
– 10:30 AM
(gym shoes required) 11:10- 12:00 PM
Thursdays Gym (gym shoes required) 11:20- 12:10 PM
Music 2:40-
3:10 PM
Fridays Gym
(gym shoes required) 11:20- 12:10 PM
Useful items in Room 106
It would be helpful if each child could donate to
the classroom community:
A box of Kleenex
Medium or Large Hand sanitizer
Pack of Baby wipes
Clorox Cleaning wipes (For Tables)
Daily, students will use:
A backpack
Pencil box (Required)
Number 2 pencils or Mechanical Pencils with ‘lead’
Avery Hubbard