
Friday, December 21, 2018

Cyber Safety for Preteen 9-11 years old

Cyber Safety for Preteen 9-11 years old

Below I have listed a few key talking points to have with your child over Winter break. Winter break is a time when kids have an myriad of time with electronic devices. The conversation should center around content (what), contact (who)  and conduct risks (How).

Key points
  • Pre-teens tend to use the internet independently. They can come across more risks than younger children.
  • Internet safety risks for pre-teens include content, contact and conduct risks.
  • You can help your child learn to manage internet safety risks by being a role model, and talking with your child about online content and activities.
  • Taking an interest in your child’s online activities builds trust and encourages your child to talk to you about online worries.

Parent Monitoring Apps

If you want to be high tech, there are parent monitoring apps for an Android device and Apple devices. These apps can limit websites and apps, track locations and monitor text messages. Some monitoring apps are free while others cost a pretty penny. Type in your search (Free) parent Monitoring Apps for cell phone on the internet or in your app store.

I have spoken to the class briefly about this urgent message. 

Monday, December 17, 2018

December 2018

Important Dates

Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2018: EDM Unit 3 Part II test
Wednesday, Dec. 19, 2018: Final draft due for Opinion essay
Friday, Dec. 21, 2018: End of Cycle II for Ch-Changes, Matter

Forget-Me- Not Dates

Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2018: Science Days Exploration,
Friday, Dec. 21, 2018: Winter Holiday Party, 2:30- 3:30 PM
Friday, Dec. 21, 2018: Winter break begins
Monday, Dec. 24- 28, 2018: NO SCHOOL, Winter Break
Monday, Dec. 31 - Jan. 4, 2018, NO SCHOOL, Winter Break
Monday, Jan. 7, 2019, School Resumes
Thursday, Jan. 17, 2019: NWEA Math Test, 9- 10:15 AM
Friday, Jan. 18, 2019: NWEA Reading Test, 9- 10:15 AM
Monday, Jan. 21, 2019, Dr. Martin L. King, Jr. Holiday, No School
Friday, Feb. 1, 2019, Winter Survival, Outdoors Field trip, 10-2 PM

Subjects at a Glance

EDM: After an extended period, we have concluded our study of fractions for now. Unit 3 encompassed adding like denominators, mixed numbers and improper fractions, and number stories with fractional answers. In the next unit after unit 4, we will continue our study of fractions; however Unit 4: Decimal Concepts and Coordinate Grids will cover decimal and coordinate grids. In detail,  Unit 4 will cover the information below:
  • Read and write decimals in words, numbers and expanded forms.
  • Compare decimals.
  • Round decimals.
  • Plot points on a coordinate grid.
  • Use a coordinate grid to answer questions and solve problems.
  • Shade grids to add and subtract decimals.
  • Use algorithms to add and subtract decimals.
     Language Arts
     Reading: During the month of December, we studied Nonfiction 5 text structures and purposes of graphical features. A majority of the guided reading groups have been reconfigured. Students are reading fiction and some are reading nonfiction. Ask your child which book, he or she is assigned to in a group. 
     Writing: We continued planning and organizing our Opinion writing pieces (essays). All students have self selected a topic. Learned how to turn a strong opinion into a claim. Next, we learned how to support each claim with 3 supporting details: Evidence (data/ numbers), emotions, experience (short story), and explanations. Students used strong opinion words and transition words. Also, students incorporated their knowledge of figurative language by adding 1 hyperbole, 1 personification and 1 simile. Last but not least, students wrote a conclusion paragraph restating the strong opinion and the 3 claims along with 1 thought or action for the reader. It goes without saying each piece must vary sentences length and beginnings and have correct spelling. 
     Poetry: During the month of December, our Figurative Language Fridays and weekly review will       continue with personification and metaphors. Students will begin writing poetry with various figurative language.
     Words Their Way: The only major difference is students now have a pretest on day 4. Day for is different for each group. There is a Dark blue group composed of 2 students who have never missed a word on any assessment test and weekly test. At the end of December and the beginning of January, we will learn Conjunctions, Interjections and Articles.

Social studies: We have been studying cross curricula with nonfiction text structures and features. We reviewed which organizers help readers comprehend each structure with tex about Michigan. Below is an image supporting what we have studied. There will be a brief quiz the Friday prior to break on structures. 
Science: We have continued our study of Matter by investigating what is inside Matter. 

  • 5-PS1-1 Develop a model to demonstrate that matter is made of particles too small to be seen.
  • 5-PS1-2 Measure and graph quantities to provide evidence that, regardless of the type of change that occurs, when heating, cooling, or mixing substances, the total weight of matter is conserved.(January 2018)
  • 5-PS1-3 Make observations and measurements to identify materials based on their properties.
  • 5-PS1-4 Conduct an investigation to determine whether the mixing of two or more substances results in new substances.

Winter Break Ideas

Due to the lack of participation over Thanksgiving break, I thinking I will not have a reading challenge; however, I have posted a Winter Break post about activities to do over break. PTO has graciously paid for online accounts for Thinkstretch activities. If you would like the reading challenge for 8 hours, let me know.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Winter Break Activities

Winter Break Activities

Once again Dicken PTO has provided free online activities for our students. Use this site if you want your child(children) to take a break from the electronics, TV or pure boredom. Below are the links.

brainfreeze-reading-challenge, contest

There will be another reading Challenge. This time for 9 hours. Write a note stating the hours read and books or materials used. Please have an adult sign the note or send an email.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Words Their Way Days

Words Their Way (Word Study Program), There is a Change for Day 4, Pretest will begin

Words Their Way is organized by 5 levels with an Early, Middle and Late stage. These levels are Emergent, Letter-Name-Alphabetic, Within Word Pattern, Syllables and Affixes, and Derivational- Relations

Emergent is learning letter sounds associated with pictures.
Letter Name- Alphabetic is learning short vowels, word families, initial consonant sounds. and phonemic awareness.
Within Word Patterns is learning short and long vowel sounds, consonant and vowel patterns,  vowel patterns and irregular vowels. 
Syllables and Affixes is learning how review vowel and consonant patterns, syllables and affixes can effect the sound of vowels and consonants,  and how affixes change meanings.
Derivational-Relations is studying how affixes change meaning and pronunciation and Latin and Greek root meaning. 

Students in Pod Thinkers will refer to themselves as Yellow, Green and Blue Groups. These colors are colors of the Books I use for the lessons. 

Students took a pretest(s) to determine the spelling patterns or roots they knew and did not know. 
Below are the days on which each group completes activities. 

Green Group (Syllables and Affixes)

Day 1: Wednesdays, New lesson, Introduce Sort and students cut the sort into individual words.
Day 2: Thursdays, Independent Study Sheet, Analyze the sort
Day 3: Fridays, Students write a paragraph or poem using any 8 of the words but representing all 3 patterns.
Day 4: Mondays, Buddy Test, Students take a buddy test with a peer in his or her group.
Day 5: Tuesdays, Final Test, students can be tested on any 6 words plus 4 words that have the same pattern. 

Blue Group (Derivational Relations and Latin and Greek Roots )

Day 1: Thursdays, New lesson, Introduce Sort and students cut the sort into individual words.
Day 2: Fridays Independent Study Sheet, Analyze the sort
Day 3: Mondays, Students write a paragraph or poem using any 8 of the words but representing all 3 patterns.
Day 4: Tuesdays, Buddy Test, Students take a buddy test with a peer in his or her group.
Day 5: Wednesdays, Final Test, students can be tested on any 6 words plus 4 words that have the same pattern. 

Dark  Blue Group will follow the same days as Light Blue Group

Yellow Group (Words within words)

Day 1: Fridays, New lesson, Introduce Sort and students cut the sort into individual words.
Day 2: Mondays, Independent Study Sheet, Analyze the sort
Day 3: Tuesdays, Students write a paragraph or poem using any 8 of the words but representing all 3 patterns.
Day 4: Wednesdays, Buddy Test, Students take a buddy test with a peer in his or her group.
Day 5: Thursdays, Final Test, students can be tested on any 6 words plus 4 words that have the same pattern. 

Weeks prior to a vacation and after will be used for review and parts of speech lessons. Students are encouraged to play the following games.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

November 2018

Week of November 12 Update

Important Dates

Wednesday, November 14, 2018: Science formative group project
Monday, November 19, 2018: EDM Unit 3, Part I test (partial test)
Friday, November 30, 2018: EDM Unit 3, Part II test (partial test)

Forget Me Not dates

Tuesday, Nov. 20, 2018: Report letter go home.
Tuesday, Nov. 20, 2018: Reading Challenge begins. (See below.)
Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2018: No school, Teacher Compensatory Day
Thursday, Nov. 22, 2018: No School, Thanksgiving Break
Friday, Nov. 23, 2018: No School, Thanksgiving Break

Subjects at a Glance

Math: Unit 3 is a heavily impacted unit with fractions. We are learning how to report the remainder as a fraction, lesson 3.3, (dividing the remainder into equal parts), ignoring it (the extra is not needed) and rounding up the quotient (adding one to the quotient, another group is needed). We learning how to divide a number line into equal parts, lesson 3.4. We are reintroducing improper fractions (fractions with more than one whole) and mixed numbers, lesson 3.4. Students are learning how to efficiently convert improper fractions and mixed numbers. We are so reviewing how to read word problems with fractional answers, lesson 3.1. Also, we are reviewing how fractions are division, lesson 3.2.

Reading: We are continuing our study of fiction elements by learning theme. Students are learning how to identify the theme and support ones thinking with text evidence. This week, students must apply the theme to his or her life. At the end of the week, students will review how to solve for unknown words.

Writing: We will be using our scientist skills to plan and write a nonfiction skit or print advertisement for cooking materials. Students will use our knowledge of matter as evidence.

Science: Students are continuing our investigation of Matter. We observing properties of matter as we mix, heat or cool. Also, we will observe the properties of 10 mystery substances. Students are encouraged to not taste or eat during science.

Word Study/ Words Their Way: By now, we are in week 4 of Words their way. There are 3 groups: yellow, green and blue groups. The yellow group is learning how vowel sound shape the spelling of words, sort 16. The green group is learning how cluster are split to create syllables, sort 16. The blue group is continuing their study of suffixes and how suffixes can change the parts of speech, sort 9.

Health: We are learning how to incorporate tools to stop bullying and turning bystanders into up-standers.

Social Studies: We concluded our government study last week as we reviewed the results of Dicken's polling site, Michigan's outcomes and the Nation's outcomes. We reviewed all 3 branches of government on all 3 levels. I was impressed by how much knowledge they retained and displayed.

Cold Weather 

The temperatures are deceasing daily. Beautiful, fluffy snow will appear soon. It is imperative students wear proper cold weather gear daily: cold weather outer garment, hat, boots, and mittens or gloves. If a student is improperly dressed, he or she may be asked to use lost and found items in order to stay warm.

Reading Challenge 

Over Thanksgiving break, students will have a reading challenge to read an average of 1 hour a day, totaling 5 hours. A parent or guardian must sign the written or typed note stating the amount of hours read as well as a list of the books.  The note is due the Monday after break.


As I continue to become a Dicken dolphin, students do not have homework on the weekends; however, students are expected to review his or her word study words. The words should be sorted into the groups and written to practice the spelling. Students are expected to read 30 minutes daily.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Survey for Dicken


Dear Students at Dicken,

Principal Madison wants every student to take the survey. Please take the following survey only once.
Dicken survey
Avery Hubbard

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Dicken Dash

 Volunteers are still needed for tomorrow.

Hubbard's Hoverboards, fifth grade
2:40 PM -    Picture
2:50  PM     Warm up
3:05 - 3:20   Run 
3:20            Tally Table
3:40              Back to Class

Students will be wearing a green t-shirt for our class. Be sure to wear comfortable running/ walking shoes in addition to athletic attire. 

Be sure to continue to collect pledges and donation: Dicken Dash is our largest fundraiser. 

No Homework today; however, tomorrow, there homework will continue. 

Sunday, September 30, 2018

October 2018

Important Dates

Monday, Oct. 1, 2018: EDM Unit 1 Test, Geometry and Number expressions

Forget Me Not Dates

Monday, Oct. 1, 2018: Spirt Week begins. (More details forthcoming.)
Friday, Oct. 5, 2018: Dicken Dash, The actual run***

Subjects at a Glance

Math: Unit 1 concluded last week.  We began Unit 2, Estimation and Computation Outcomes

Math Unit 1 Outcomes

  • Write and evaluate numerical expressions that contain grouping symbols
  • Model real-world and mathematical situations using simple expressions.
  • Justify the area formula for a rectangle with fractional side lengths by tiling. 
  • Understand that a unit cube has 1 cubic unit of volume and can measure volume.
  • Measure volumes by counting unit cubes and improvised units.
  • Represent products of three whole numbers as volumes.
  • Apply formulas to find volumes of rectangular prisms.

Math Unit 2, Estimation and Computation Outcomes

  • Use parentheses, brackets, or braces in numerical expressions, and evaluate expressions with these symbols.
  • Write simple expressions that record calculations with numbers, and interpret numerical expressions without evaluating them.
  • Recognize that in a multi-digit number, a digit in one place represents 10 times as much as it represents in the place to its right and 1/10 of what it represents in the place to its left.

    Explain patterns in the number of zeros of the product when multiplying a number by powers of 10, and explain patterns in the placement of the decimal point when a decimal is multiplied or divided by a power of 10. Use whole-number exponents to denote powers of 10.
  • Fluently multiply multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm.
  • Find whole-number quotients of whole numbers with up to four-digit dividends and two-digit divisors, using strategies based on place value, the properties of operations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models.
  • Convert among different-sized standard measurement units within a given measurement system (e.g., convert 5 cm to 0.05 m), and use these conversions in solving multi-step, real world problems.

Unit 2 Vocabulary
Algorithm       Partial Products    Standard Multiplication  (Area Model, Multiplication algorithm)       
Exponents      Base          Power of 10              Expanded notation          Standard Notation
Written and word notation          Quotient     Divisor     Dividend      Remainder
Round up/ Ignore/ Report Remainder as a Fraction (remainder over divisor)
Language Arts:

  • Writing Workshop: We are completing our First personal narratives: The lessons taught were (will be) taught :      
  • Describing a Beginning, Middle, and Ending; 
  • Exploding the Moment
  • When to start a paragraph
  • Inserting Dialogue with punctuation; 
  • Varying Sentence length
  • Using in paragraphsTime Transitions
  • Revising the ending
  • lesson learned or emotional ending

Our next personal narratives will include:

  • When to start a paragraph
  • Hooking the reader with a catchy lead; 
  • Using voice
  • Adding a hyperbole
  • Describing Character traits
  • Formatting dialogue with different lines for different speakers
  • Using synonyms for said (Said is Dead)
  • Varying sentence beginnings
  • Revising the Ending with a circular
 Reading: We are studying Fiction Elements along with Realistic Fiction. Students are learning how to make inferences and to provide evidence. Reading letters will begin.

Characters    Setting       4 types of conflict            Plot outlines          Solutions      Theme

Characters change with conflict

Science  : We are studying Matter, Ch-Changes. We are investigating why chiefs use pots made of different materials.

Social Studies: We are studying Government and the powers of each branch: popular sovereignty, separation of power and checks and balances.

Math Unit 2, Estimation and Computation Outcomes
 Former Outcomes
Finds product of multi-digit numbers
Multiplies 1 and 2 digit whole numbers by decimals by up to 2 places
Identifies place value from thousandth to billions.
Divides 1 and 2 digit whole numbers
Interpreting the remainder in division
Applying Exponents, powers of 10 and value of numbers in standard form
Converts metric and US customary units

Unit 2 Vocabulary
Algorithm       Partial Products    Standard Multiplication  (Area Model, Multiplication algorithm)       
Exponents      Base          Power of 10              Expanded notation          Standard Notation
Written and word notation          Quotient     Divisor     Dividend      Remainder
Round up/ Ignore/ Report Remainder as a Fraction (remainder over divisor)

Dicken Dash

All students will either run or walk laps around the playground. Dicken Dash is one of our biggest fund raisers. Students were encouraged to bring in pledge sheets until 10/12.

Avery Hubbard

Friday, September 21, 2018

Leader in Me Assembly

Leader in Me Assembly

On Friday, September 14, 2018, Dicken held our first assembly reviewing the seven habits as well as kicked off our biggest fundraiser, Dicken Dash. Below are the photos and video I tried to capture in the moment. Please excuse my amateur recording.

Winners with Big Ten champion and Track Star

Thursday, September 13, 2018

September 2018 updates

September 2018. Update
Pod Thinkers, Room 122

Important Dates

Friday, Sept. 14, 2018: NWEA MAP, Math test
Friday, Sept, 14, 2018: Picture Day, 1:10 PM
Friday, Sept. 14, 2018:  Leader in Me Assembly
                                         Dicken Dash kick off (Dicken’s biggest fundraiser)
Monday, Sept. 17, 2018: NWEA MAP, Reading test


Tuesday, September 25, 2018: Curriculum Night, 7-8:30 PM (Bring your personal calendars for Parent Teacher Conference Dates)

Picture Day

All students present will have their picture taken for the class composite. You can also purchase a packet on line at / Students can also bring in money in an envelope for pictures on the day pictures are taken. The retake is scheduled for Friday, Nov. 2, 2018.

 Dicken Dash

A packet will be sent home in an envelope tomorrow. All students will run or walk as a participant and are strongly encouraged to collect pledges. Of the money raised, 95% will go toward PTO sponsored events, while 5% will be donated to C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital. Pledges can be turned in from 9/17- 10/12. Good luck, and may the POD- Thinkers raise the most funds, run the most laps and have the best decorated door.

Leader in Me assembly
Almost 70% of our class will be leading the assembly on reviewing the Seven Habits of Leader in Me for our school. I will try my best to post the video of the performance(s) on our class blog.

Ms. Hubbard

Friday, August 17, 2018

Welcome to Hubbard's Headlines

Welcome to Hubbard's Headlines

Home of the Pod-Thinkers @Dicken Elementary

August 20, 2018

My former blog was; however, I would like to start another blog to communicate with parents and  the community of Dicken as a Pod-Thinker.

The blog is a way to share classroom news as well as school information. Also, I use the blog for technology supplemental information for students.

In our classroom there is a saying, "When in doubt, check the blog."

All About Me

I have been teaching for over 20 years, and I still love the art of teaching (the pathway of learning). Most of my career has been at Pattengill Elementary School, an upper elementary school, as a fifth and fourth grade teacher in Ann Arbor, MI.

As a proud graduate of the University of Michigan for both undergraduate ('96) and graduate school ('03), I consider myself a proud Wolverine reared in the city of Detroit, MI. I am also a graduate of Cass Technical High School.

My favorite subjects to teach are Math and Social Studies; however, I apply enthusiasm to any subject I teach.

Giving you the best,
Avery Hubbard