
Thursday, February 14, 2019

Sample Biography Letter

Sample Biography letter

Letters are due by Thursday, Feb. 21, 2019

February 14, 2019 (date)

Dear Ms. Hubbard, (greetings)

            I just finished reading a memoir (M) on the life of Florence Griffith- Joyner in Great African Americans in The Olympics by Shaun Hunter. (author)  I know it is a memoir because it is not a full story of her life, only a portion of her life and there are other stories of other Olympians.

             One of the things that stood out to me was her perseverance. She did not make the Olympics the first time she tried. Another challenge was the financial struggles in college which forced her to drop out. Her perseverance in both situations made her continue running and to finish what she started. One of her character traits would be persistence, because she never gave up until she won a gold medal at the Olympics in 1988.

            One theme in her life is never give up and finish what you start. Another theme is set goals and keep the goals. Although the book was published before her death, I would have liked to learn in the book was how she died and the different theories circulating about her death.

             The text was organized (structure) by a series of events. This was the best way to showcase how she started and stopped her running career. It would have been uninteresting to read about all of her childhood and work at the bank. The author picked the best structure. 

Friendly letter parts 
date, greetings, body, closing, and signature
Genre (abbreviation)
Title and author
Traits with evidence of the Main character of the biography, memoir or autobiography
structure of the text, what is the best organization
challenges faced
what the book should have included or did not have

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