
Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Week of January 10th update

 Supporting a Local Animal Shelter/ Betty White Challenge

I informed the class of the recent trend to support a local animal shelter. The class was eager to participate. Students agreed to either bring coins or money donations from their personal savings or earnings to support the cause. One of the students has researched several local animal shelters. On Thursday, we will select one, and I will make an electronic donation on the class' behalf on Friday.

No donation is too small, because it is from the heart. 

We have collected $38 in 2 days. My goal was $50 so we will make it. 

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Headlines Hubb: Week of January 10th


Important Dates

Monday, Jan. 10, 2022: Remote instruction via Zoom (Same Zoom link)
Tuesday, Jan. 11, 2022: In person learning resumes @Dicken
Tuesday, Jan. 11, 2022: Last Day to change 
Wednesday, Jan 12, 2022: Security drill #2
Friday, Jan. 14, 2022: Unit 3 Math Test: Operations (tentatively)


I am so proud of the class (Pod thinkers) resilience in continuing learning on Zoom. Students participated and were engaged. The only required activities were 2 Math lessons (SeeSaw) and Writing Document in Google Docs. The other activities were independent (Reading on Myon) or Zoom chat participation. 

The SeeSaw activities will be archived by Wednesday, January 12th.

Save Items

In our next science unit, we will be ending the unit by building homes designed for weather regions. Please begin to save miscellaneous packaging items, small boxes/ shoe boxes, and cardboard items. More details will be forthcoming. 

I can statements

I can tell the difference between nonfiction and fiction.
I can preview nonfiction/ informational books.
I can pause and paraphrase when reading informational books. (In progress, new unit)
I am beginning to learn about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
I can round to the nearest 10 and 100.
I can estimate a sum.
I can add using partial sums. (More practice forthcoming)
I can read and create a bar graph in person and electronically.
I can state all parts of a graph. 

Monday, April 13, 2020

This week in Room 106, Week 30

This week in Room 106, Week 30

As things change, we must adapt to change and our new way of learning at home.
SeeSaw will be our classroom. Core 5 and Dreambox will be supplemental material for students.
Students will see all assignments on Monday morning by 8 AM, and have a chance to complete when they choose for the week in any order, any day, any time. 

Weekly activities will include:

  • Morning Meeting/ Message Daily
  • 4 ELA activities
  • 4 Math activities
  • 2 Social Studies
  • 2 Science 
  • 1 Activity from each Specials teacher, excluding Project Lead the Way. Specials teacher link

Complete when you would like. There is no grading only feedback.
Teachers will report the names of students who are not completing work by each Friday.

Create a new schedule for the upcoming weeks of the school year.

My office hours Google Chat/ Google Meet/ email/ phone
                            Tuesdays, 10-11 AM
                            Thursdays, 1-2 PM

Fridays: Check-In, complete weeks projects, Work Core 5 and Dreambox or complete Enrichment projects created by students.

The work you complete for the remaining portion of the school year will improve and create the skills you use in Fourth Grade next year.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

This week in Room 106, Week 29

This week in Room 106, week 29

This week in room room 106, virtual classroom. Below are the I-can statements and a note about spring break.
  • I can find quadrilaterals and name the shapes.
  • I can review bar graphs and answer questions. 
  • I can review Multiplication/ division fact families for factor of 7.
  • I can review the perimeter of a rectangle with units.  
  • I can sort words by vowels and suffixes.
  • I can explain what fantasy book is.
  • I can find character traits in a fantasy book. 
  • I can edit a Monday Mistake about Emelia Earhart. 

Homework: None
Complete Core 5 time and try Dreambox. 

Enjoy Spring Break. Take fun stay-cation pics. Let's try to pretend we are traveling: be creative. I cannot wait to see the pics for our Monday Meeting after break. (Ha!)

During spring break, I am trying to not log on to the computer. Let's give our eyes a break from screen time, while we await further instructions from the AAPS and the governor of Michigan. 

Friday, March 20, 2020

This week in Room 106, Week 28

This week in Room 106, Week 28

We have made it through our first week of being apart. I truly miss all of you. I have spoken to 21/24 students and parents along with Mrs. Jones and Mr. Madison: our conversations made my week. Below are our I-can statements for the week.

  • I can enjoy the little positive things in life.
  • I can keep social distance from others.
  • I can communicate with my teacher via phone, email or SeeSaw.
  • I can multiply my birth month with my teacher's month and write 2 number sentences.
  • I can review trade first subtraction with 3 digit numbers.
  • I can write a pen pal letter to my University of Michigan pen pal (Kgrams) with 3 paragraphs. 
  • I can keep a journal of daily adventures with my family.
  • I can review how Michigan gained statehood.
  • I can use Core5 and dreambox.

Homework: Complete at your leisure the Unit 6 home links I sent last week.
                     Anything you do academically is homework at home. (Ha!)

Next week:
AAPS guidelines:

  1. Daily, morning message shared by 9:30 AM.
  2. Daily, social share for morning message.
  3. Daily 1 enrichment or review activity. 
  4. Daily office hours, 10- 11 AM (call, email, SeeSaw and adding a Zoom video face to face call next week.)

Check your emails for the google doc with free resources.