
Monday, November 25, 2019

This week in Room 106, Week 12

This week in Room 106, Week 12

  • I can expand 3 and 2-digit numbers to add.
  • I can make and read an array with factors and a product.
  • I can turnaround multiplication number sentences.
  • I can state the fiction elements of story independently.
  • I can show comprehension of a fiction story independently.
  • I can show the difference between realistic fiction and nonfiction.
  • I can write a paragraph describing my favorite candy.
  • I can graph weather observations with both high and low temperatures.
  • I can identify all 6 simple machines in centers.
  • I can identify the fulcrum in a simple machine.
  • I can label geography features on a map of Michigan for a designated region.

Report letters go home Tuesday, November 26, 2019. (NWEA scores)
Wednesday, November 27, 2019, No School, compensatory day.
Thursday, November 28, 2019: No School, Thanksgiving break.
Friday, November 29, 2019: No school, Thanksgiving break.

Homework: 3.7 and 3.8 math sheet due On Tuesday, 11/26/19

Friday, November 15, 2019

This week in Room 106 Week 11

This week in Room 106 Week 11

Below are the I can statements Students learned in spite of the snow day and my absence on Friday.

  • I can use my hand to summarize informational text with main idea and details.
  • I can pause after reading a section of informational text in order ask Who and What did I read.
  • I can solve subtraction problems with 3 digit and 2 digit using counting up method (open number line.)
  • I can solve subtraction problems using expand and trade algorithm, using base ten blocks. 
  • I can make a lever and pulley in Project Lead The Way.
  • I can analyze different levers and pulley and diagram the differences in PLTW.
  • I can use a graphic organizer and write a paragraph on my favorite candy bar. 
  • I am beginning understand a primary and secondary source used in studying history.
  • I can conduct an artifact dig with landfill and waster to explore the remains of ancestors. 

Homework: I cancelled homework this week by accident. I did not pull the homework prior to leaving for a funeral of a close family member.

Please turn in holiday basket forms, half yellow sheet sent on Monday.
We are collecting donations for the Holiday baskets too. See the office for more details.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

This week in Room 106, Week 10

This week in Room 106, Week 10

  • I can read informational text use fact boxes to gather more information.
  • I can read informational text and notice the size of all the print.
  • I can read informational text and pause after a section to ask What? and Who? 
  • I can solve What's my rule in tables.
  • I can create a front end, traditional or nearest 10 or 100 estimate.
  • I can expand a 3 digit number by place value.
  • I can use the partial sums algorithm to add.
  • I am beginning to write paragraphs.
  • I can respond to a pen pal and write a letter.
  • I can review my knowledge of geography as I follow a crate from MI to Panama canal to Asia.
  • I can define force. (PLTW)
  • I can design a wheel and axle to carry a small load (PLTW).

This week's homework is Links: 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3.
I will send home checked work, book order and important letters on Monday. We spent Friday afternoon saying Goodbye to Maxwell. Thank you for your donations for the celebration.

Friday, Nov. 15, 2019: I-Max will bring Rover the Robot and showcase,  Born to the Wild ,                                                        11:15- 12:15 in the gym, both 3rd grade classes,  sponsored by PTO
Friday, Nov. 15, 2019: 1:15- 2:15, Time for Waste, Ecology Center will come to Dicken and our classroom to allow students to excavating "artifacts" of waste from compost and landfill. 

Colder Temperatures

As the temperatures decline, it is imperative that parents send students to school with the proper outer wear.: gloves, hats, warm coat, and boots, if necessary.

Graphic Novel Article

Below is a link to an article about letting kids read graphic novels. Yes, I have banned the books in my classroom; however, students should be permitted to read a home under controlled conditions: balance the reading with longer chapter books, informational text and encourage a second and third read of the same graphic novel for more comprehension.

graphic novel article

Monday, November 4, 2019

This week in Room 106, Week 9

This week in Room 106, Week 9

  • I can read nonfiction text and find the main idea independently.
  • I can evaluate my writing with a rubric.
  • I can create a smart goal with an action plan.
  • I can make arrays using columns and rows of equal groups.
  • I am beginning to understand equal groups with remainders.
  • I can observe weather and analyze its changes.
  • I can observe Force and Motion.
  • I can briefly describe Human characteristic in Michigan (population size).
  • I can move my PLTW teacher without lifting her with a simple machine and force.
  • I can diagram a simple machine in PLTW. 

Flu shot clinic is today 4-7 PM at Dicken.
Parent Teacher Conference is tonight at Dicken. If you have one, you will receive an email.
No school tomorrow, Tuesday, November 5, 2019, Election Day.
Book Fair at Dicken this week: The Flyer was sent home. The shopping hours are 4-7 PM for parents with their children. This is a great opportunity to help our own library purchase books while building readers.