
Friday, November 15, 2019

This week in Room 106 Week 11

This week in Room 106 Week 11

Below are the I can statements Students learned in spite of the snow day and my absence on Friday.

  • I can use my hand to summarize informational text with main idea and details.
  • I can pause after reading a section of informational text in order ask Who and What did I read.
  • I can solve subtraction problems with 3 digit and 2 digit using counting up method (open number line.)
  • I can solve subtraction problems using expand and trade algorithm, using base ten blocks. 
  • I can make a lever and pulley in Project Lead The Way.
  • I can analyze different levers and pulley and diagram the differences in PLTW.
  • I can use a graphic organizer and write a paragraph on my favorite candy bar. 
  • I am beginning understand a primary and secondary source used in studying history.
  • I can conduct an artifact dig with landfill and waster to explore the remains of ancestors. 

Homework: I cancelled homework this week by accident. I did not pull the homework prior to leaving for a funeral of a close family member.

Please turn in holiday basket forms, half yellow sheet sent on Monday.
We are collecting donations for the Holiday baskets too. See the office for more details.

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