
Monday, April 13, 2020

This week in Room 106, Week 30

This week in Room 106, Week 30

As things change, we must adapt to change and our new way of learning at home.
SeeSaw will be our classroom. Core 5 and Dreambox will be supplemental material for students.
Students will see all assignments on Monday morning by 8 AM, and have a chance to complete when they choose for the week in any order, any day, any time. 

Weekly activities will include:

  • Morning Meeting/ Message Daily
  • 4 ELA activities
  • 4 Math activities
  • 2 Social Studies
  • 2 Science 
  • 1 Activity from each Specials teacher, excluding Project Lead the Way. Specials teacher link

Complete when you would like. There is no grading only feedback.
Teachers will report the names of students who are not completing work by each Friday.

Create a new schedule for the upcoming weeks of the school year.

My office hours Google Chat/ Google Meet/ email/ phone
                            Tuesdays, 10-11 AM
                            Thursdays, 1-2 PM

Fridays: Check-In, complete weeks projects, Work Core 5 and Dreambox or complete Enrichment projects created by students.

The work you complete for the remaining portion of the school year will improve and create the skills you use in Fourth Grade next year.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

This week in Room 106, Week 29

This week in Room 106, week 29

This week in room room 106, virtual classroom. Below are the I-can statements and a note about spring break.
  • I can find quadrilaterals and name the shapes.
  • I can review bar graphs and answer questions. 
  • I can review Multiplication/ division fact families for factor of 7.
  • I can review the perimeter of a rectangle with units.  
  • I can sort words by vowels and suffixes.
  • I can explain what fantasy book is.
  • I can find character traits in a fantasy book. 
  • I can edit a Monday Mistake about Emelia Earhart. 

Homework: None
Complete Core 5 time and try Dreambox. 

Enjoy Spring Break. Take fun stay-cation pics. Let's try to pretend we are traveling: be creative. I cannot wait to see the pics for our Monday Meeting after break. (Ha!)

During spring break, I am trying to not log on to the computer. Let's give our eyes a break from screen time, while we await further instructions from the AAPS and the governor of Michigan. 

Friday, March 20, 2020

This week in Room 106, Week 28

This week in Room 106, Week 28

We have made it through our first week of being apart. I truly miss all of you. I have spoken to 21/24 students and parents along with Mrs. Jones and Mr. Madison: our conversations made my week. Below are our I-can statements for the week.

  • I can enjoy the little positive things in life.
  • I can keep social distance from others.
  • I can communicate with my teacher via phone, email or SeeSaw.
  • I can multiply my birth month with my teacher's month and write 2 number sentences.
  • I can review trade first subtraction with 3 digit numbers.
  • I can write a pen pal letter to my University of Michigan pen pal (Kgrams) with 3 paragraphs. 
  • I can keep a journal of daily adventures with my family.
  • I can review how Michigan gained statehood.
  • I can use Core5 and dreambox.

Homework: Complete at your leisure the Unit 6 home links I sent last week.
                     Anything you do academically is homework at home. (Ha!)

Next week:
AAPS guidelines:

  1. Daily, morning message shared by 9:30 AM.
  2. Daily, social share for morning message.
  3. Daily 1 enrichment or review activity. 
  4. Daily office hours, 10- 11 AM (call, email, SeeSaw and adding a Zoom video face to face call next week.)

Check your emails for the google doc with free resources.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Schedule for week 27

Schedule for week 27 

I am sending an email to be sure everyone understands the importance of maintaining a schedule daily. Also, stretch out the work I sent. I will be sending more and posting videos online on my blog.

I am adding to keep a journal daily and I sent cursive journal home too. Name the journal and have kids write all emotions on paper. Use scrap paper or back of envelopes if you run out. 

If you have cards, use cards at home. Play math games with the cards.

Find a time that works for you online. Remember, everyone is streaming at the same time. Use online recreational streaming, video games, TV and movies as a reward!

8:00 Get up and get dressed. Eat breakfast.
8:45- 9:30 Reading to self, orally or  in head. Use the think marks I sent as a guide to check for comprehension. 
9:30- 9:45 AM Math facts practice (multiplication, addition, subtraction, and division)
9:45- 10:30 AM Physical activity with fresh air if possible (heart rates up: jumping rope, running around, jogging, etc.)
10:30 small snack
10:40- 11:45 AM Math lesson review/ online math
11:45- 12:30 lunch
12:30 - 1:15 Word study/ spelling lesson (Core 5 if available)
1:15- 2:15 Creative/ play or listen to musical instruments/ Waymaker / brain break too
Use 1-3 items or recyclables
2:15- 3:00 Writing/ Writing in journal
3:00 - 3:45 Science/ Government/ Economics activities 
3:45 Share a sentence on something you learned to someone
phone/ text or email

Evening: Read again but read to someone. 

Bedtimes should remain the same? Stick to it.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

This week in Room 106, week 26 special edition

This week in Room 106, week 26 Special Edition

I sent home for 2 weeks, 1 week is spring break:
  • Complete Unit 6 EDM math home links (I typically cover 3-4 lessons a week with 2 links a week, so four sheets is ideal for now)
  • Read 2 Time For Kids articles with questions, reading
  • After reading one of the Time for Kids articles talks about pay of women; a writing prompt for an opinion letter: Should women be paid the same amount as men? 
  • Write a Pen pal letter (I printed letters afterschool today, so let me know if you want a scanned version) -Must include a paragraph about how Michigan gained statehood
  • Read a minimum of 2 books: fiction and nonfiction (review theme, main idea/ summary, organization) Read a minimum of 1 hour a day (40 + 20 minutes)
  • Practice math facts using blog,
  • Use Core 5 (Reading and Word Study) and Dreambox (Math), daily use 20-30 minutes each               Complete a minimum of 8 units a week on Core 5

I know it seems like a lot but I wanted to provide work to keep things as normal as possible. 

I will be contacting students and parents over the next 2 weeks but not over spring break. 

Email me if you need your pen pal letter, badge or log in information, I have both. 

This week in Room 106:

  • I can identify how Michigan became a state in 1837, with 4-5 event leading to it. Building schools and light houses, War of 1812, Appointed for governor Lewis Cass, Logging, End of Fur Trade, Erie Canal Completion
  • I can identify how the Toledo war was the war without words.
  • I can compare and contrast Weather brochures of other destinations, understanding average temperatures.
  • I can graph Winter Weather highs and lows.
  • I can assess my knowledge for Unit 5, EDM
  • I can find the theme in nonfiction, informational books.
  • I can identify an important issue in local and state governments. (mistreatment of pet)

Sunday, March 8, 2020

This week in Room 106, Week 25

This week in Room 106, Week 25

The past week has been quite busy. Below are a few I can statements, students have learned.

  • I can find theme in fiction books/ passages.
  • I can apply theme to my life or someone I know. 
  • I can explain the moral of the story. 
  • I can use a square number multiplication fact to find other "nearby" facts.
  • I can break a multiplication fact into smaller parts. 
  • I can identify patterns in multiplication facts. 
  • I can create and produce a brochure for predestined location, with desirable weather for activities. (Students selected their weather activity first. The teacher only grouped "fun in the sun" into smaller groups. In other words, all were student led.)
      Roles: Writer, Editor, Researcher, and Typer
      Subtitles: Introduction, Activities, Clothes/ Weather, and Food
  • I can track the weather during Winter Season and determine the conditions for snow as precipitation.
  • I can explain the cause and effects of the War of 1812 for the Michigan territory.

Homework: Links 5.10 and 5.11 due Thursday

Unit 5 Test is Thursday, March 12, 2020.
Book orders are due next Wednesday.

Upcoming Dates:

Tuesday, Mar. 10, 2020: No School, Election Day, Please Vote
Thursday, Mar. 12, 2020: Dress like your favorite Book Character.
Thursday, Mar. 12: EDM . Unit 5 Math Test
Friday, Mar. 13, 2020: Used Book Sale, during school hours
                                     Used Book Sale, Family night, 6-8 PM with librarian Allyson Jones, Mrs.                                              Karen Jones' daughter

The first permission (Lansing) slip is due as soon as possible.

Saturday, February 29, 2020

This week in Room 106, week 24

This week in Room 106, week 24

Week 24 was a rather brief week due to the early release and 2 snow days: it was like receiving a bonus late winter break. Below are a few I can statements from the brief week:

  • I can explain how readers learn lessons from characters in fiction.
  • I can explain how readers learn lessons from authors in nonfiction.
  • I can write a friendly letter to a pen pal with an expository paragraph about Native Americans and the French.
  • I can analyze multiplication patterns in a number grid.
  • I can use doubling to solve multiplication problems.
  • I can answer questions from a picture and bar graph. 
  • I am beginning to memorize multiplication facts: 2, 5, and 10's.
  • I can explain the causes and effects of the Erie Canal, Michigan's population increased.
  • I can explain how the War of 1812 lead to Michigan's population increased.
  • I can record and analyze the weather. (winter collection data.)

Homework: Links 5.9 and 5.10

March at a Glance

Sunday, Mar. 8, 2020: Daylight Savings ends, spring forward
Tuesday, Mar. 10, 2020: No school, Election day
Thursday, Mar. 26, 2020: Field Trip to Lansing, Michigan's capital, Tour capitol building,
                                         9:30- 3:30 PM*
Friday, Mar. 27, 2020: Field trip to U of M's Kid's Fair, IM building, 9:30- 1:30 PM*
Monday, Mar. 30, 2020: No school, Spring break
Tuesday, Mar. 31, 2020: No school, Spring break
Wednesday, Apr. 1, 2020: No school, Spring break
Thursday, Apr 2, 2020: No school, Spring Break
Friday, Apr. 3, 2020: No school, Spring Break

Chaperones are needed for both field trips. Ideally, I would like to use different chaperones for both trips; however, I will be collecting names of reliable parents for both trips. I must have chaperones for both trips.  Chaperones will be assigned by first come basis.
Thursday, Mar. 26: There is limited room on the chartered bus; however, parents are encouraged to car pool. (Lansing)
Friday, Mar. 27, 2020: There is plenty of room on the bus: it is a local trip. (Ann Arbor)

Friday, February 21, 2020

This week in Room 106 Week 23

This week in Room 106 Week 23

I can statements for this week. Today we had a scripted safety drill guided by Mike Madison. I shared the correct information with the class about how to exit, safe locations inside/ outside, and communication while students used a safe location within the room. The time of the drill was on the board in green, 3:00 PM

  • I can use a helper fact to solve multiplication facts: 2's, 5's and 10's facts.
  • I can use doubling facts to solve unknown multiplication facts.
  • I can answer questions using a bar and picture graph. 
  • I can explain the difference between biography and realistic fiction (biography has real birthdates with actual places and factual information.)
  • I can learn lessons with characters in a book. (Winn Dixie)
  • I can compare and contrast characters.
  • I can find synonyms of words. (drill= practice)
  • I can explain the causes of Pontiac's rebellion in Michigan.
  • I can compare the causes of Pontiac's rebellion and the American Revolutionary War. (Wants were not met and conflicts causes wars.)
  • I can begin to understand why wars happen. 
  • I can begin to type a brochure for seasonal activity in a desirable location.
  • I can identify some of the American women trailblazers in aviation (flight). (Women's History/ American History)
  • I can identify some of the commonalities in American Presidents. (Presidents' Day)

Homework: Links 5.6 and 5.7 as well as practice multiplication facts using a variety of strategies
Suggested Order of learning multiplication facts:
4's (Double the 2's
8's (Double the 4's)
Optional: 11's (easy) and 12's

You can use the game link on my blog (to the left at the top) for additional practice. The old school way of flash cards with pictures works as well. Don't forget to quiz your child orally too.)

Upcoming dates:

Tuesday, February 25, 2020: Early release, 1:29 PM

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

This week in Room 106, Week 22

This week in Room 106, Week 22

Due to my early departure and multiple appointments, I was unable to write the weekly update. Please accept my apologies.

I can statements:

  • I can identify fractional units.
  • I can identify parts of a whole.
  • I can identify parts of a part (The whole has changed.)
  • I can identify equivalent fractions. 
  • I divide a whole into equal parts.
  • I can compare and contrast characters using comparison words.
  • I can use illustrations to understand characters.
  • I can understand that characters change and face conflict.
  • I can explain the causes that lead to the French and Indian War/ French and Native American War. 
  • I can explain Pontiac's Rebellion.
  • I can identify clothes and activities for specific weather climates. 
  • I can compare Abe Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. (President's Day celebration.)
  • I can describe who the Tuskegee Airmen were and key terms associated with them. (See bulletin board. (Black History/ American History)

Homework: 5.3, 5.4, and 5.5 links due Thursday, 2/20

Due to the party, homework was passed out by myself prior to my early departure. Mrs. Jones assured me that students placed the homework in their backpacks prior to the celebration.

WESO activities begin this week.
Wednesday, February 26, 2020: Early Dismissal, 1:29 PM, No childcare to my knowledge.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

This week in Room 106, Week 21

This week in Room 106, Week 21

The first week in February is already behind us. Below are few of the  I can statements:

I can explain how fractions are equal parts.
I can find equal parts of a fraction within a fraction.
I can explain how characters face and react to conflict.
I can explain how historical fiction elements are explained through clothing, special historic terms, dialogue, and setting.
I can apply my knowledge of either the Native American or European perspective in a narrative text written by myself.
I can find my paragraphs within a narrative text.
I can select a place to research the weather patterns for special activities.
I can begin to explain how the Tuskegee Airmen began.

Homework: 5.1, and 5.2 due Thursday, 2/13

Friday, January 31, 2020

This week in Room 106, Week 20

This week in Room 106, Week 20

This week was beyond busy: 2 NWEA test, 1 Math unit test, and a field trip.
Below are a few I- can statements from this week:

I can explain both perspectives of the encounter of the Native Americans and Europeans in Michigan in early 1600’s.
I can choose a perspective and write a historical fiction journal entry/ narrative with a realistic conflict and solution.
I can show feelings in my narrative.
I can review and assess my knowledge of quadrilaterals, perimeter, area and measurement.
I can read a thermometer.
I can begin to research weather patterns, clothing, and food in a seasonal destination for fictional vacation in February: sunny beach, snowy activity, hiking, and camping/ fishing.
I can observe weather in an array of environments. (field trip)

Homework: (New Unit) 1 fraction worksheet and 2 worksheets on beginning multiplication
Due 2/6/2020

Upcoming dates:
Thursday, February 6, 2020: Jazzistry music 3rd grade workshop, 10:25- 11:15 AM
Monday, February 10, 2020: Annual NAAPID/ Parent Involvement day: All parents are welcome. Lunch provided by PTO.
Friday, February 14, 2020, Valentine’s Day card exchange optional and celebration, time TBA
Tuesday, February 25, 2020: Early release 1:29 PM All students and all schools, have a plan early

I sent Class list for optional Valentine’s cards or treats.  The class count is 24; if a student chooses to create or share Valentine’s cards, he or she must give one to everyone in the class. In the event, a student does not provide one for every student, that students cards will be collected. All students will receive a bag to decorate for their collecting Cards. We exchange cards, eat cookies and play 1 or 2 games.

I need of 2 basketballs for our basketball court. Please consider donating a new or gently used ball for practice and play.

Friday, January 24, 2020

This week in Room 106, Week 19

This week in Room 106, Week 19

Next week, we have a field trip in the morning on Friday, 1/31. We will return for lunch; therefore, students do not need a special lunch. All of the chaperone spots are taken. Thank you to the volunteers.

Below are a few I-can-statements:
  • I can find perimeter of quadrilaterals and non-rectangles.
  • I can find area of rectangles using the correct units (squared).
  • I can write a minimum of 2 paragraph letter to a pen pal at University of Michigan, using both an expository and narrative paragraph.
  • I can find summary of an article by using key words and phrases.
  • I can read a hybrid text and identify the type of text.
  • I can identify Hunters in the sky and the food chain. (Leslie Science Center)
  • I can discuss the perspective and point of view of the Native Americans with Europeans in early history using the book Encounter by Jane Yolen.
  • I can explain how Chinese New Year is celebrated.

Homework: 4.10, 4.11 and 4.12 Reading log is due too on next Thursday.
Missing green permission slips
Pink hearing screening sheets

Tuesday, 1/28/2020, NWEA Math test, 10:35 AM
Wednesday, 1/29/2020, NWEA Math Makeup test, 1:20- 2:20 PM
Thursday, 1/30/2020, NWEA Reading Make up test, 9:00 – 10:00 PM (moved due to virus absences)
Thursday, 1/30/2020, Unit 4 Math Test
Thursday, 1/30/2020, mobile dentist, must have form completed
Friday, 1/31 Natural Museum field trip, 9:30 AM- 12:00 PM

Book orders are due 1/31 online and to me.